Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Windows Communication Foundation [WCF] - Interview questions

What is Windows Communication Foundation, WCF?

WCF helps in building applications to communicate with each other. It is a framework that helps in managing distributed computing.

What are the components of WCF?

Components of WCF Contracts and descriptions: - Describes different features of messaging. The features are described by Data contract, message contract, service contract and policy and binding.

What is the difference between WCF and Web services?

WCF has a variety of distributed programming infrastructures. WCF offers more flexibility and portability.

What is duplex contracts in WCF?

WCF allows duplex messaging pattern. Services can communicate with client through a callback. Duplex messaging in WCF.

What are different binding supported by WCF?

Different bindings

Built- in bindings and custom bindings. When the built in or system provided bindings are not suited for the requirement.

How do we use MSMQ binding in WCF?

Message queue allows applications running at different times to send and read messages from queues. WCF uses transactional queue to capture messages, delivered and stored.

Explain volatile queues and Dead letter queues.

WCF also uses non transactional queues for storing messages. Such queues are volatile in nature. They are stored in memory and not used in transactions. On shutting down the machine, the queue is lost.

What are the various ways of hosting a WCF service?

Ways of hosting WCF Service: Self hosting: - The service code is embedded within the application code. An end point for the service is defined and an instance of SeriveHost is created.

Explain transactions in WCF.

Transactions in WCF allow several components to concurrently participate in an operation.

What are the various programming approaches for WCF?

Programming approaches for WCF: Imperative: - Different programming languages can be sued for implementing service logic.

What are the advantages of hosting WCF services in IIS?

Advantages of hosting WCF services in IIS : Provides process activation and recycling ability thereby increasing reliability

What are different isolation levels provided in WCF?

The different isolation levels: READ UNCOMMITTED: - An uncommitted transaction can be read. This transaction can be rolled back later .

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